Where is kaolin found? The deposits of this mineral clay can be found in various regions around the world. They are naturally formed through the weathering and erosion of rocks rich in 矿物高岭石, with some deposits having pure kaolinite while others store composite minerals.

The world’s industries depend on kaolin supplies found in various regions. Here are top regions in the world where kaolin deposits are.

1. United States

The United States has rich kaolin deposits in the southeast region. They result from ancient mountain erosion that caused silt to accumulate in estuaries, bays, and deltas. In areas such as Washington County in Georgia, kaolin deposits can be found near the coastline, mostly containing the mixture of kaolinite and aluminum.

The ancient kaolin deposits had made their way into traditional industries, even before the coming of the Europeans. For example, Cherokee people have used it for centuries to make household pottery. Compared to other states, Georgia is the highest producer of kaolin, producing more than $1 billion worth of it every year.

2. Brazil

With such diverse geological features, Brazil becomes a land rich in kaolin deposits. The region with the richest kaolin deposits is near the Amazon basin, in the northern region, especially around the State of Pará. Several deposits around Capim and Jari Rivers, for example, have been mined by Brazil’s large kaolin producers for many years.

Kaolin deposits in Brazil are known for their fine particle distribution and soft, white quality. The qualities make their kaolin desirable for various industries, especially 纸张.

3. China

Where is kaolin found in China? While it is a kaolin-rich country, most of China’s kaolin deposits are considered low-grade for industries. Deposits with the best qualities are concentrated in Guangdong, Fujian Province, Zhangzhou, Jiangxi Province, and Yunnan. The qualities of kaolin from these regions vary, but they are considered as having medium to high grade.

Kaolin in Guangdong is considered the highest in quality. It is mostly used in ceramic and paper industries, thanks to its purity and fine particle distribution. Since the deposits of high-quality kaolin are limited, China is poised to create better technology to turn low grade kaolin into high quality material.

4. United Kingdom

Kaolin is an important commodity in the UK economy, with major deposits found within the granite formations in the southwest area. The mining efforts currently focus on the Dartmoor Granite (Devon) and St. Austell Granite (Cornwall). St. Austell has the most number of kaolin pits compared to other areas.

Because UK kaolin is found within granite formations, the clay acquires unique characteristics. The feldspar within the granites add strength into the clay, which turns it into a great material for ceramic and construction industries. However, kaolin deposits in Dartmoor Granite have less amount of rock and higher sand compared to the St. Austell ones.

5. Germany

Kaolin deposits in Germany were discovered in 1780 and 1814 in Politz and Glossen, simply described as “white clays”. At first, these clays were used to make stoneware and faience, or enameled earthenware with colorful decorations. When Germany finally found the technology to process the clay in factories, their industries rose into prominence.

Now, the biggest kaolin deposits are found in the Central Saxon Hills in Southern Central Germany. This area is known for its fertile, mineral-rich soil and several rivers, which are important elements in the forming of kaolin deposits.

6. Ukraine

Ukraine has kaolin deposits in the Donetsk Basin, also known as Donbas, where the clay is mostly used for ceramic and other industries, which Donbas is known for. Ukrainian clay is known for its plasticity and fine grain, and it is commonly turned into clay balls before being used for production. 

7. Australia

Where is kaolin found in Australia? While there are several deposits in Victoria and Queensland, the ones in New South Wales are the most famous and utilized. The eastern highland area of New South Wales has widespread kaolin deposits, ideal for industries like 填料, 陶瓷, 和 refractory properties

Kaolin deposits in New South Wales consist of primary and secondary ones, but the sources for white, industrial-grade kaolin are mostly the ones near the Gulgong Granite and Oaklands-Coorabin. 

Aside from these countries, there are kaolin deposits in regions like France, Czech Republic, 印度, Russia, 马来西亚, Vietnam, 印度, and Nepal. They share markets with other major players thanks to the rising market of kaolin clay for global industries.

You can get involved in the profitable kaolin investment by getting your supplies at Yukami. Based in Indonesia, the kaolin supplier provides high quality, industrial grade kaolin noodles, lump, and powder. With decades of experience and clients in various countries, Yukami is the best kaolin supplier to support your investment plan.

Knowing where kaolin is found can give you strategic advantages before investing in kaolin. Don’t forget to contact reliable suppliers like Yukami to make your strategy even more profitable!
