The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the countries with the highest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the world. Based on data released by the World Bank, this country achieved a GDP of USD358.87 billion in 2020, defining 0.27 percent of the world economy. UAE’s high-value GDP is undoubtedly influenced by the rapid development of the country’s industry.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the country’s consumption of kaolin is very high to meet its industrial demand. So, here is helpful information we have collected on how significant the market of kaolin in United Arab Emirates is, and what prospects it has in the future.
相关的: 你知道高岭土在全球市场的价值吗?
中东地区,包括阿拉伯联合酋长国,高岭土市场前景看好。这是因为高岭土广泛用于各种行业例如 陶瓷制品, 化妆品, 塑料,橡胶, 纸张,还有更多。
根据Data Bridge Market Research进行的分析,包括阿联酋在内的中东高岭土市场将在2022年至2029年期间显著增长。预计到2029年,其高岭土市场会增长至4.7944亿美元。此外,高岭土作为生产基本医药和化妆品的主要原料的大量采用,使得这种矿物在阿联酋的使用量异常巨大。
Unfortunately, not many kaolin deposits are found in the UAE. It is apparent from the high value of the United Arab Emirates’ kaolin imports, which indicates that the local supply of kaolin in the country is not that extensive. Also, according to World Bank data, the UAE imported up to 2,453,180,000 kg of kaolin from the United States in 2018.
根据工业应用情况,包括阿联酋在内的中东国家在纸张、陶瓷、油漆和涂料中大量使用高岭土,玻璃纤维, 橡胶、塑料、医药和化妆品。此外,阿联酋的高岭土市场正在稳步增长,因为这种矿物在造纸行业是不可或缺的。通常,它被用作具有适当不透明性和平滑纹理的纸张涂层。
不幸的是,阿联酋的高岭土出口市场没有该国的进口价值那么高。2018年,阿联酋在全球进口了32822.8万千克高岭土。阿联酋的大部分高岭土都从印度、英国、美国和美国进口,中国, 捷克共和国和伊朗。
相关的: 进口商须知:购买高岭土进口时应考虑的问题
For those who need high-quality kaolin products according to your industrial needs, YUKAMI is a trusted supplier who can assist you. The company provides professional and customer-oriented services. So, don’t hesitate to contact YUKAMI if you need to import kaolin into the United Arab Emirates. Above all, YUKAMI is recognized as 高岭土供应商,利用先进技术加工,为客户生产更优质、更稳定的高岭土.
How do I export kaolin from Ghana to UAE?
Can you assist with companies in UAE THAT will need the supply of Kaolin.