2021, 全球高岭土市场价值达到42.4亿美元. 到本世纪末, 预计复合年增长率为3.7%. 高岭土市场的兴起反映在世界上大多数国家,包括巴基斯坦。巴基斯坦的高岭土市场在过去几年中经历了多次起伏,但接下来会如何发展?

Pakistan’s Market Trend for Kaolin

Kaolin is yet to be considered a top mineral commodity in Pakistan. As for now, the title goes to marble, granite, and other minerals considered to be more valuable there. However, the market for kaolin in the country is definitely expanding. It happens due to the country’s rapid economic development in various sectors.

由于高岭土是一种多用途的原料,因此这种非金属矿物的市场显著增加。 各种制造业使用高岭土作为主要材料或补充. Pakistan’s manufacturing industries achieved a massive boom in 2021, contributing 12.79% of the country’s GDP.

It is projected that the manufacturing industries will play a bigger role in the country’s GDP in upcoming years. Therefore, the market for kaolin in Pakistan is also going up along with that growth. Government has an important task to make sure that the kaolin supply will be sufficient to support that objective.




巴基斯坦的建筑业得到了极大的发展。水泥作为一种大众化的建筑材料,也有着更高的需求。 高岭土是一种用于水泥工业的材料. 环保人士建议使用高岭土,因为高岭土具有良好的结构优势,而且更环保。



相关的: 造纸工业中高岭土的当前生产趋势



2019年的数据显示,巴基斯坦出口了1.408吨高岭土和其他高岭土. Countries receiving kaolin from Pakistan are India, United Arab Emirates, and China. The value of that export activity was really small (US$88,390), especially compared to Pakistan’s overall GDP.

同年, 仅从欧盟进口的巴基斯坦高岭土就价值3.87亿美元. 最近的数据显示,情况或多或少还是一样的。该国高岭土进出口活动之间的巨大差异表明 巴基斯坦依靠其他国家的物资来满足其需求.


巴基斯坦有数百个用于开采高岭土的矿坑。这些矿坑分布在该国的两个高岭土矿区。 这些地区是Shah Dheri和Nagarparkar. 虽然在同一个国家开采,但这两个地区使用不同的开采方法,并产生不同的产品质量。 



This country has a unique geological condition that causes it to have a big mineral reserve (approximately 600,000 kilometers square). However, data from 2020 shows that out of 92 potential minerals, only 52 of them are appropriately exploited. The rest are yet to be managed and used for the betterment of the country’s economy.


然而,在等待巴基斯坦实现更高的高岭土全国产量的同时,政府必须确保外部供应以满足需求。 一些国外供应商 愿意为国家提供优质材料。
