高岭土通常被称为 瓷土 或白粘土。天然粘土从土壤中提取,主要含有 矿物高岭石最纯净的高岭土呈白色,但环境和地理条件以及其中所含的其他矿物质使高岭土具有一些颜色。例如,红色高岭土的颜色来自粘土中的高铁氧化物。相比之下,绿色高岭土的颜色来自可分解的植物。
就外观而言,膨润土已经不同于高岭土。膨润土呈灰色,经常作为面膜出现在化妆品中。美国是世界上最大的膨润土生产国,拥有 怀俄明州 作为领先的生产基地。 作为领先的生产基地。
高岭土有各种颜色,这都有美容的好处。但最常见的是白色高岭土。由于其具有非常细的粉末和平滑的纹理, 高岭土可以很容易地加入到各种产品中包括 粘土面具, 肥皂, face wash, bath bombs, and many more. Kaolin clay is gentler than bentonite clay, which makes it more suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Even though it has an excellent absorbing capability, it will not drain most of the skin’s oil and liquid, thus keeping the skin smooth and moisturized.
Bentonite clay is also widely used in beauty products, thanks to the nice “slip” feature. It means bentonite clay smoothens your skin effectively. That is why bentonite clay gets chosen as the main ingredient for products such as shaving soap, as it can make the razor glide smoothly over your skin. Also, bentonite clay is known for its excellent absorbing properties and can absorb more than just water in the skin. Thus, bentonite clay is a good choice for oily skin.
答案是, 这取决于你的皮肤状况和需求但是有两个重要的特征需要观察,这样你才能找到适合你皮肤的完美粘土。
Bentonite clay, with its extremely high absorption level, will absorb not only excess oils from the skin, but also any fluids that are actually necessary to maintain your skin’s moisture and health. Surely, bentonite clay is not recommended for dry skin. And even when you have dry skin, the use of bentonite clay masks must be kept in moderation since the skin still needs oil to prevent it from drying out. For kaolin clay with 65% of absorption level, it is very useful to fight acne by reducing the oil in the skin without drying all the fluids excessively.
If the pH level is too high, the skin will not be able to fight free radicals and harmful microbes that make the skin age faster. Shortly, too high pH level will damage the skin. In this regard, kaolin clay with a lower pH level is less damaging to the skin’s natural pH level.
高岭土与膨润土 粘土有其各自的益处和用途。要决定哪一个更好,你需要考虑你的皮肤状况。虽然膨润土更适合油性皮肤,但不建议每天过度使用,因为它会排出皮肤中的所有油和液体。高岭土也是如此,它有助于去除皮肤中的杂质,去除痤疮,但不能每天使用。