高岭土果胶是一种常用于缓解腹泻的混合物. 这种组合被认为能够从消化道捕获并带走引起腹泻的细菌。这种物质也会吸收肠内的水分,使粪便的稠度再次变硬。

Having been used to treat mild, moderate, and severe diarrhea, kaolin pectin can also treat cholera. For traditional medicine, kaolin is also applied to the wound surface to help reduce bleeding. In addition to that, it also has other benefits for the skin, making too dry skin softer.

该组合物通常用作食品添加剂和片剂;然而,目前还没有很好的科学证据支持上述所有主张。早在2003年,, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US concluded that kaolin pectin can increase stool density.  Nonetheless, there is no adequate evidence that it can reduce fluid loss and effectively stop diarrhea, at least in the gastroenteritis case.


Kaolin is a kind of silica-coated mineral that is widely used as an additive in manufacturing 化妆品, 陶瓷制品医学 paper coatings, food additives, toothpaste additives, and as a diffusion material in white light bulbs. The kaolin formula is Al2H4O9Si2, with a molecular weight of 258.156 g/mol.

同时,果胶是一种从高等植物细胞壁衍生物中提取的杂多糖。果胶在食品工业中被广泛用作乳化和稳定添加剂。长期以来,果胶一直被用作治疗腹泻的药物,但还需要进一步的研究才能证明这种物质是有效的止泻剂。果胶的分子式为C6H10O7,分子量为194.14 g/mol。

How Does Kaolin Pectin Work?


相关的: 高岭土:食用高岭土的好坏

Recommended Dosage of Kaolin Pectin

Kaolin Pectin Syrup


  • 成人:每次大便后,当大便仍为液体时,4-8汤匙(60-120毫升)
  • 儿童(12岁及以上):每次排便后3-4汤匙(45-60毫升)
  • 儿童(12岁及以上):每次排便后3-4汤匙(45-60毫升)
  • 3-6岁儿童:每次排便后1-2汤匙(15-30毫升)
  • 3岁及以下儿童:不推荐,除非医生处方

Keep in mind that the dosage above may vary depending on your health condition.  Therefore, before taking this drug, it is better to consult with your doctor first and read the instructions for use on the packaging carefully.

Possible Side Effects of Kaolin Pectin


Kaolin Pectin Use Warning


  • 确保你对高岭土或果胶不过敏。
  • 此药不推荐3岁以下儿童使用。
  • 对于老年人,确保其使用时伴随着充足的液体消耗。
  • 高岭土果胶会与其他药物发生反应并干扰它们的工作方式,因此请注意您目前正在服用的药物类型。
  • 与酒精一起服用该药物也有引发相互作用的风险。
  • 确保您所经历的是正常腹泻,而不是痢疾等严重情况。服用这种治疗痢疾的药会使病情恶化。
  • 该药物被列为B类孕妇用药。这意味着在怀孕期间食用它足够安全。





If you take kaolin and the antibiotic clindamycin simultaneously, the absorption of the clindamycin in the body will slow down.  However, this does not reduce the number of antibiotics that will be absorbed into the body.


Quinidine will also decrease in effectiveness when taken together with kaolin. This drug is taken to heal certain heart problems and should be taken at least 2 hours apart from kaolin.


Digoxin is a drug for heart diseases that, when taken with kaolin, reduces its effectiveness.  To avoid the risk of interaction, keep the consumption of both at least 2 hours apart.


These antibiotics can also interfere with their workings when taken together with kaolin because they can decrease the absorption and decrease the effectiveness of trimethoprim.  Just like the drugs above, to minimize the risk of interactions, you should give a distance of at least 2 hours between consumption.

